Monday 19 November 2012

Reading record

Titel: Tommorow when the war began The dead of the night
Summary: Lee and Fi was talking while they were walking about them at school and the school that they went was Risdon high school.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Reading Record

Titel: Tommorow when the war began the dead of the night
Summary: In this chapter their first view was the Harvey's Heroes was from a ridge of rock overlooking the camp


Titel: Tommorow when the war began the dead of the night
Page: 71-89
Summary: When they were still looking for more people who are still alive

Thursday 8 November 2012

Reading record day 9.

Titel:Tommorow when the war began Thr dead of the night.
Summary:While they were walking they found more people named Fi and Lee and then they found food, but they didn't
I can't wait until the end of the book.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Reading record.

Titel: Tommorow when the war began the dead of the night
Summary: they are still walking in the dark and looking for more people

Friday 2 November 2012

Reading record day 7

Titel: Tommorrow when the war began the dead of the night
Author: John Marsden
Pages read:19-27
summery: They were still walking in the night and they were making a plan to get in hospital.

Thursday 25 October 2012

Tommorow when the war began series 2

Name of the book: Tommorow when the war began series 2
Summary: They were moving and then this boy named lee came along

Friday 19 October 2012

My cinquain poem.








Friday 15 June 2012

My birthday

On August it will be my birthday and i might get my money when i go to America and much more chocolate and lollies and more shoes and much much more i can't wait until my birthday. Plus i want to have a nice dinner at where ever i want to go to maybe i want to go to the place where my sister went for her birthday.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

My weekend

On the weekend it was so cool there was no school and so me Amy Nawini and Natalie went to the Moveis and we saw Men in black 3 in 3D it was so fun and so funny too, but before the movie started we went to the shop and brought us some lollies  and it was so fun.

Museum Trip.

Gallery 1. There Was Pukaki he was watching all of the things in the gallery and he was so huge.
Gallery 2. There was a Big clear Waka and there was a movie on top the sheet.
Gallery 3. There was a lot of Maori object and there was a TV about Hinemoa and Tutanekai. We had to find a Mururangaranga, but i call it a Koauau.
Gallery 4. There was a big Marae and there was a Korowai things for Ta moko.
Gallery 5. All the things that the Europeans brougth with them that the Maori have never seen.
Gallery 6. There was the Tarawera things that came from the eruption.
Gallery 7. There were some War gear and me and jessie saw one of our koro on the broad that had all of the name of people who went to war.
Gallery 8. There was a lot of prom gear and it was a rugby gallery but it is now a prom gallery.      

Thursday 24 May 2012


Today we did the 1.5 k run and it was so cold and i got 11.7 that was my time. :)

Tuesday 22 May 2012

My weekend.

On the weekend i went to Maketu and we went the beach and then we went to The Mount and had lunch we had MacDonals it was yum and we went to see my cousins Katana and Kataraina, Peter boy, and Aoturua. After that me and my cousin went to the beach for a swim it fun when we got back from the beach we had another lunch burgers. When we had lunch we played Buzz . Then we were off to my aunts Anis house and i was hanging out with Terina, Witene, and Kakis, and Ruawahia and uncel  Piripi we went fishing at the beach

Monday 21 May 2012

Ice age

Who like Ice age because i really would like to see ice age 4 it looks cool to watch and i like the 3 one and the first one too. Plus i like all of the characters like sid, Diego, crash and eddie, and buck and i love the three dino babys they are so cute. Plus i like scrat and scratter those two are  made for each other, but they always fight a lot and Ice age is so cool and it makes me want to watch it again and i know each line of it too. :)

Friday 18 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 22.


1. Describe what happens in this chapter?
2. Reflect on your literacy work this week. PMI the good, the bad, and the interesting thing that happen in the book?


1. When Matt got the rothery stone Skulla toke the stone of Matt when he found it, and the mudpool explodes and Skulla, Diz, Croak, and Jackson dies. The rothery stone was lost in the mud. Old Tani was not helping, but tani was trying to warn them about the mud explodes.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

Gold coast.

In 2010 me and my family went to the Gold coast for my aunts wedding and it was so nice i was a bride's made and i was a waitches it was okay, but before the wedding me and my family went to Sea world, Movie world and wet and wild. When we got to our hotel we got us some food to eat and i got to sleep in the sitting room it was so nice and i was so close to the TV. When it was morning i always turn on the Tv and then we went to town and our hotel had a lot of stuff. Like a indoor and a outside pool and a game room and a central mall down bottom. it was cool. Then we went to Sea world next day went to Movie then the next day went to wet & wild. Next day we went to town and saw my aunt and uncel then we brought some things it was so fun then we went back to our hotel and we went for a swim and a BBQ then went back to our room and went to the game room then we all ahd a sleep. :)

1D is mine.

Harry is mine and he is such a good singer and i know his brithday too and my going to celabrate his brithday and if i can ask my dad to make a cupcake for me so i can celabrate. Remember he is mine.

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 18.

Walt - Edit and poofread our writing.

1. What dose Eve do in this chapter?

2. What is going to happen next?


She went in the place with out anyone looking and was getting a piece of glass and she put it by the sun and blinked it to the person thst was behide the bushes.

I think that Matt are going to take their proof to the museum and see what they have and that.


Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 19.

Walt - Edit and proof read our writing.

1. Why did they go to the museum?
 2. What do you think might be special about the ponga?


1. They were in the museum because they were giving the sovereigns and the strong box.
2. The ponga might be a clue and might be specila too.

Monday 14 May 2012

My Weekend.

On the weekend i went to Whakatane and went to my cousin 's brithday and she is now 16 there was a lot of food and drinks and i ate all of the lollies and it was so yummy. On Sunday it was Mother's day and we all gave my mum a breakfast on bed and some cards and a lotto then we Mac ds for dinner and hot chocolate. YUMMY :)

Friday 11 May 2012

Yesterday run

Yesterdays run was okay i got for my time was 4. 48 and i was funny :)

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 17.

What is Gawks real name ?
Where dose he live ?
Why did he give the items back ?
Would you be worried if you were Matt? Why? Why not?


Gawks real name is Ceil Hillton.
Gawk lives in a dirty old garage behind a house.
He gave the items back because Jackson thruntend with the WXK gang.
If iwas Matt i will be so worried about the WXK gang or Ir i wasn't Matt i will be fine.

Cry of The Taniwha Chapter 16.

Walt - Find the meaning of words.

1. Find the meaning of these words : Console/ briefly/ bombarded/ edition/ pendant.

2. Find where each words used during the chapter and give the page number and
pargraph number.

1. Console: It means that Hone brought a Console to keep Jackson and Matt out of Trouble. page 116 and prargraph 1.
  2. Eve briefly touched Matt's hand page 116 - prargraph 7.
  3. She bombarded him him with the results. page 116 - prargraph 8.
4. Mary Basham wore a beatiful pendant. Page 117 - prargraph  3.
5. The new edition of the Daily post . Has just came out. page 117 - prargraph 2.
 Console : A digital game 
Briefly : slowly touched his hand
Bombarded : She Rapedly fired question at him
Edition : A edition of a news paper
Pendant : She was wearing a beatiful pendant.

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 15

Walt - justify answers using information from the text.

1. Why did Hone get angry?
2. Predict what is going to happen next?


1. Hone got angry because Mat never told him what was going on.

2. I think that The Gawk is Skulla's sons and the gang get to beat up Matt for fun and so when the gang got Matt and Jackson to their place and so The Gawk helps Matt and Jackson.


Today i got 6.30 mins and i went with Amy and sophie it so fun. :)

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Who likes surfing :)


Who has seen The avengres.

The avengres.

Who likes the avengres. :)

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 14.

Walt - Justify answers using information from the texts

1. Why had Matt not slept well?
2. Why did Nan tell Matt that he is famous?
3. What happend to Matt in the Redwoods?
4. What did Eve find out?


1.  Matt had trouble sleeping because he was so worrying about the future and jackson with the robbery. Pg 99- pragraphy 1

2. Matt was famous because he found a skeleton. Pg 99 - Pragraphy 2

3. Matt's metal detector got stolend by the Gawk with the sovereigns. Pg102 - Pragraphy 3

4. Eve found a lot of information about Mary Basham, Edward Bashsam and Jack Boult. She found out that Jack Boutl was the skeleton that Matt found and that he was the thife that stolen the huge diamond of Mary Basham. Pg 105 - Pragraphy 2

Mastercheif cook off.

Yesterday last night i saw Jessie and Kereama on TV and it was so cool to see both of my cousin on Maori TV. Kereama put all of his fishing touches on his plante and it was so funny that jessie was claping for her brother. I my mum on tv.


Today i did about like three laps around the whole filed and i think i did well i hope tjat i can get like about 4 or 5.

Monday 7 May 2012

Cry of the taniwha Chapter 13.

Walt- Justitfy answers using information form the text.

1. How is Matt feeling about Juzza naw?
2. Who is Gawk?
3.What was Gawk doing?


1.  Matt is getting to know Juzza and he wants to help him.
2. Gawk is a person that spys on people.
3. Gawk was spying on the two lovers in the bushes

My weekend.

In the weekend i went to Owhata marae on Sunday for the masterchief cook off. Then i saw jessie i saw the other kids playing a fishing game there was like a lot of lollise and drinks.So i gave it a go and i saw my cousin Kerema cooking. Then i ask my dad if i can get a toffe apple and then jessie got me a sausage sizzel and a drink. After our nice lunch we went to get some stuff from her car. So ask my dad for money and so i got me another toffe apple. Then i saw Tiana and the mahangas. So i went with my dad to see a wild pig getting cut up in to bits .

This is my cool weekend :p

Friday 4 May 2012

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 11- 12

Dr Ian is somebody who identified the age of the skeleton.

Louise Miller was the owner of the gold locket.

Edward Basham is a banker from England.

Eve is the girl that Matt meet in the hotel.

Scott Murray was a rugby player and his name is skulla.
Mary Basham is the daugter of Louise Miller.

Cry of the Taniwha Chapter 11- 12

Walt- Write infromative, interesting sentences

Who are the following people?

a) Louise Miller

b) Edward Basham

c) Mary Basham

d) Scott Murray

e) Ina Mc Millan

f) Eve

Thursday 3 May 2012

  • How big can a Twisters go?

    Where was the biggest Twister at?

Who were the survivo of the first Twister?

When dose a Twister stops?

What do you do if a Twister hits?



Today i am talking about Chocolate, because i love it. When every it's my brithday i get a lot of chocolate. Plus i eat it in one go and i don't share with my brother and sister and i am such a greedy person, because i don't like sharing with my brother and sister beause when every they have chocolate they don't share. My favourite chocolate is caramelo. :) !!!!!!

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Instersting Sentence

Some of my money or my coins got soveresigns on them.

 you really have Caucasian skin.

 I was always Absence from school.

 I have been eated Corrosoin.

 I got Reistant from the door.

  • Sovereigns - It means beatiful gold conins.

    Complex -Whole made up in parts.

    Caucasian -  Light- skinned racial group of humankind

    Absence - person who should be present but is not

    Corrosino- be eated away by chemical action or rust.

    Resistant - Offered by a circuit to the passage of a current through it.

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 9 10

Walt- Write interesting sentences

1. Find the meaning of the flollwing words: Caucasian, complex, absence, sovereigns, resistant, corrosion.

2. Use each word in an informative, interesting sentence.

Hello my name is stitch and i am with toothless and me and him are cousins.


This is Toothless and he loves you :)


Hey guys and i love my big sister Miriarangi Keitapereria  she down in the south island and i can't wait when she comes back home and she is going to bring a lot of chocolate and more and she will be here until my little sister brithday.
I like chocolate and any lollies :)

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Tori, Sophie, Kate, Olivia, Rangi, Bree, Amy, Nawini, Natlie, Summer, Te rangi, Piwiki, Joe, Demi, Tiopera, Hinerangi, Shauny boy, Vania, Jade, Regan, Kiriama, 

Who am i ?

Hey i am Emaraina and i really like chocolate:)
Hey what is up and did you know that 1D is mine.

Cry of the Taniwha.

Cry of the Taniwha chapter 8

Key points

  • fast 
  • photo
  • quikly
  • fearless
  • determined
  • mohawk
  • exceptional
  • intellgence
  • croak
  • tattos
  • Scott murry
  • Corry
  • Dennis willam
  • Diz
  • Skull
  • Pick's on people
  • volanet

1D is mine.

Hey guys i have two sisters and one Brother named Miriarangi, Paiaterangi, and Te iho o te rangi.
What is up guys i am a zombie and i love my sister Miriarangi.

Monday 30 April 2012

Brother and Sister

Miriarangi Ketapareiria 
Emaraina Mihiterina
Paiaterangi Matariki
Te iho o te rangi