Friday 11 May 2012

Cry of The Taniwha Chapter 16.

Walt - Find the meaning of words.

1. Find the meaning of these words : Console/ briefly/ bombarded/ edition/ pendant.

2. Find where each words used during the chapter and give the page number and
pargraph number.

1. Console: It means that Hone brought a Console to keep Jackson and Matt out of Trouble. page 116 and prargraph 1.
  2. Eve briefly touched Matt's hand page 116 - prargraph 7.
  3. She bombarded him him with the results. page 116 - prargraph 8.
4. Mary Basham wore a beatiful pendant. Page 117 - prargraph  3.
5. The new edition of the Daily post . Has just came out. page 117 - prargraph 2.
 Console : A digital game 
Briefly : slowly touched his hand
Bombarded : She Rapedly fired question at him
Edition : A edition of a news paper
Pendant : She was wearing a beatiful pendant.

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